UX Design Portfolio
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Just For Fun


I don’t always get to express my personal tastes and experiments with school and client work. Here you can find odd projects that, despite not showing a full end-to-end UX process, showcase some experiments, side projects, and tidbits I’ve done for fun.

Dutch Design 2019

I’ll be participating in Simon Fraser University’s Dutch Design Field School in April of 2019. Leading up to this 6-week experience in the Netherlands, myself and 11 other students prepare weekly slide decks to learn about the Dutch people and their design culture. Here is a small sample of the slide work I’ve prepared. Stay tuned, a full web experience of our travels and interviews with designers will be made available in the summer of 2019.

Week 1: Who are you, and where do you come from?

Week 2: The Dutch East India Company

Week 5: Dutch footballing culture